Before we get into this morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I'd like to welcome him back from an extended absence. He had some health problems and we wish him the best of health.
As I told him this morning, I didn't know whether or not to give him the required rash of crap that firefighters usually give each other when something like that happens, just to place a little levity into the situation. I declined because, well, we've both been out of that business for quite a while…but we remain Brothers of the Badge.
I wanted to also point you toward the featured article over at Underground USA, If We're Going To Push Back Let's Start At The Beginning.
I talk about political correctness, how it popped onto the scene in the late 70’s and the early '80s, how it has morphed into something that opened the door wide open for wokeism, and how both of those selfish and self-centered philosophies allowed a very small group of people with very big mouths the opportunity to grab at the power to decide what is right what is wrong and, today, what you can believe and what you can't.
Please go on over to and give it a read. It lands heavily on the concept of the unconstitutionality of hate speech laws and hate crime laws.
Then this morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with the returning Matt Bruce …
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