White Papers

Original monograph works by Frank Salvato in PDF format for premium members:

Government & Politics

The Fraudulent Senator
382KB ∙ PDF file
What you are about to read is essentially five independent examinations of Event 39, a star-studded gala created not only as a thank-you send-off for President Bill Clinton in the last days of his presidency but to also serve as a potent fundraiser for Hillary Clinton’s 2000 senatorial campaign. Each analysis was done independently and views the event from a different perspective, thus creating a 180-degree look at the facts. After reading the five independent analyses that comprise this book it will be abundantly clear that Event 39 was the catalyst and the vehicle for the single greatest instance of campaign finance fraud in the history of the United States.
The United States Of America Is Not A Democracy By Frank Salvato
606KB ∙ PDF file
The United States Is Not a Democracy examines the argument that those who attempt to depict the United States as a democracy, instead of a constitutional republic, seek to diminish the rights of the people, marginalize the governing process outlined in the United States Constitution, and move our system of government from one a representative government to one of an oligarchical means.


Understanding The Threat Of Islamofascism
445KB ∙ PDF file
The events of September 11, 2001, changed our nation, and the world, forever. For our nation, these attacks signaled the realization of the quintessential struggle for this generation. A conflict not between nations whose borders are delineated on a map or between groups of nations diametrically opposed in their political philosophies but a conflict of ideologies transcending recognized borders. Understanding the Threat of Radical Islam provides a cursory examination of violent Islamism and how this radical ideology threatens Western Civilization, perfect as an introduction to the issue or for homeschooling.
Women In The Fundamentalist Islamic Culture Pdf
225KB ∙ PDF file
Women in the Fundamentalist Islamic Culture provides a basic overview of the treatment and station of women in the fundamentalist Islamic world, covering several issues from the traditional female station to honor killings and punishments for "un-Islamic" behavior.
The Muslim Brotherhood & Wahhabism In America
156KB ∙ PDF file
The Muslim Brotherhood & Wahhabism in America provides a basic overview of the Sunni-Based Muslim Brotherhood organization as well as the infiltration of the Wahhabist ideology into American mosques. This pamphlet also addresses the "Ikhwan in America." This is part of an educational pamphlet series produced by BasicsProject.org, a non-partisan 501c3 research and education initiative.
A Brief Overview Of ‘the Twelvers’ Ahmadinejad’s Islam By Frank Salvato
198KB ∙ PDF file
A brief and cursory overview of the Imami Shi’a Islam sect of Islam, better known as "The Twelvers." This is part of an educational pamphlet series produced by BasicsProject.org, a non-partisan 501c3 research and education initiative.

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