Most of the nation—and the free world—is breathing a sigh of relief at the exit of Joe Biden and Obama 2.0 from power. We see this as the beginning of the end of neo-Marxist wokeism. But while we celebrate the probable return to constitutionality and the downsizing of our federal government, some well-funded far-Left disruptors see an opportunity to create chaos.
A small group that played a role in the effort to disqualify Donald Trump from ballots before the 2024 General Election is already propagandizing for impeachment proceedings against the 47th president. The Free Speech for People nonprofit organization is spearheading the call for impeachment, insisting:
“Trump has refused to sell his ownership stake in companies through which he is assured to receive substantial payments from foreign governments in violation of the Foreign Emoluments Clause. At least five foreign governments pay a combined $2 million per month in fees for their units in Trump World Tower; and because all five of these foreign governments are currently paying Trump these monthly fees, Trump is in violation of the Foreign Emoluments Clause from the moment he took the oath of office.”
The group is pursuing this ridiculousness even though CBS News and myriad other news outlets reported in January 2017 that Trump “resigned from all positions of authority and management within the Trump Organization and its affiliates” and that “his sons, Don and Eric, are fully in charge of the company.”
Expecting Trump to sell his shares in the Trump Organization while he is not in an official capacity decision-making role is similar to requiring members of Congress to sell stocks in companies and organizations that could be impacted by the legislation they are considering. So, the expectation exposes the gross hypocrisy of the hyper-partisan Trump-hating Left at the Free Speech for People organization.
The real issue is not so much the Free Speech for People non-profit itself but rather the typical neo-Marxist progressive donors and philanthropic organizations (using the term “philanthropic” very loosely) that finance groups like this one. It’s the dark money of the far-Left transformative Deep State oligarchy and their neverending financial commitment to undermine the will of the American people that is the problem; that is the cancer in the system that needs to be exposed and then expunged.
Two main groups behind the new effort to divide our nation, purely for opportunistic partisan, transformative, and power-play purposes, are The Tides Foundation and Arabella Advisors.
According to the Independent Journal Review:
“The Tides Foundation — a key cog in the wider left-wing Tides philanthropic network, which combined to shell out $850 million in 2022 — is a major financial backer of Free Speech For People. The Tides Foundation gave grants exceeding $250,000 to the legal nonprofit in 2020, 2022 and 2023, and a combined $925,816 since 2019.”
The article’s author, Nick Pope, goes on to say that the Hopewell Fund granted the Free Speech for People anti-Trump efforts $20,000 in 2023. The Hopewell Fund is one of several nonprofits boosting transformative neo-Marxist causes under the management of liberal dark money juggernaut Arabella Advisors, a major for-profit consultancy established by Clinton administration veteran Eric Kessler and funded by some of the worst anti-freedom advocates around the globe, including:
Bill Gates: Through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, he has been one of the largest donors to the Arabella network, focusing on various globalist policy advocacy issues.
George Soros: He has provided multi-million dollar donations to the network, with affiliations noted through his funding to groups like the Sixteen Thirty Fund.
Mark Zuckerberg: Specifically, his philanthropy through the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative has committed significant funds, particularly noted for social justice issues.
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund: This organization has been identified as the largest institutional donor to almost all of Arabella's nonprofit entities, providing donor-advised funds to wealthy individuals.
Hansjorg Wyss: A foreign national billionaire, he has donated substantial amounts, notably $500 million, to the Sixteen Thirty Fund, which has been used for various Leftist political initiatives.
Incidentally, the same cast of characters—and more of the usual suspect far-Left advocate cabal (Google, Soro’s Open Society Foundations, the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations, and Pierre Omidyar and Warren Buffett)—financially supports The Tides Foundation.
These are the kinds of organizations that cause the divide in our country. It's less about the radicals they dupe into subservience, who constitute the far-Left ideologue voting public, and more about the agitators in organizations like these that stoke partisanship by advocating for destructive and baseless actions like the impeachments of presidents from the first days of their administrations, regardless of political party or political party affiliation.
These are the transformative neo-Marxist opportunists and agitators. These are the people and organizations that comprise the Deep State cabal that must be marginalized and expunged from influence on Capitol Hill. This is the anti-freedom and anti-American influence that the American people mandated President Trump to eradicate from the halls of power.
Because we have free speech rights in the United States, we can't go after the cabal’s message—or the message trumpeted by the Free Speech for People nonprofit, as imbecilic as it may be. But we can expose them as disingenuous and opportunistic political partisan assassins and pressure their donors and donor corporations to shun them financially.
Bleeding these organizations (The Tides Foundation, Arabella, The Ford Foundation, etc.) so that they have to draw their finances from an evermore limited pool of ideological zealots marginalizes their ability to attack the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as they routinely do.
It also sends a message that ‘We the People’ disapprove of impeachment as a partisan political tactic and believe it should be reserved for only the most extreme circumstances.
And lastly, it sledgehammers them between the eyes with the unmistakable message that “We the People” are done with this far-Left Alinskyite tactical bullshit and that if they continue to act so childishly, they will suffer consequences, consequences that will result in their being dropped from the elitist class for their personal and institutional poverty.
Let’s face it: we punished Disney, Anheuser-Busch, and several other organizations into subservience after their woke activism, bringing them to their knees. We can do it to these “philanthropic” organizations and their benefactors as well.
Striking their wallets to punish their intellectual infantilism is the only way to get the message across to them.
Then, when we come back, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM930 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.
Before we go, a quick point.
It’s beautiful that President Trump is enacting a flurry of much-needed Executive Orders meant to reverse the institutionalized wokeism and neo-Marxism that has been implemented by the Obama-Biden Era. But without legislative action to codify those EOs into law, they can all simply be reversed with any incoming Leftist administration in the future. Then, we are back to square one.
We must keep the pressure on our elected Congress creatures to craft and institute constitutionally sound law that codifies the Trump doctrine into law, including his moves to end DEI, secure the border, and unleash our energy sector.
Without those pieces of legislation, it’s all just an exercise in short-term gratification and long-term ideological masturbation. We have to be smart this time around.
And I’d like to give a quick shout-out to Bobby D. and Sheila S., who have—ever since the days of The New Media Journal and the non-profit, have been steadfast supporters. Please know you are appreciated now as you were appreciated then.
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