If it were something to make light of, I would borrow a line from Ronald Reagan: “There you go again.” but it isn’t anything to be taken lightly. Another person, Ryan Wesley Routh, riddled with Trump Derangement Syndrome, has failed in an attempt to assassinate the former President and current presidential candidate.
Routh, 58, a current resident of Hawaii and formerly of Greensboro, North Carolina, had an X account filled with posts trying to recruit people to fight for Ukraine and Taiwan, as well as pro-Hamas/anti-Israel content. Routh, The New York Post reported, frequently touted his do-gooder credentials and championed left-wing causes on social media.
The assailant is in custody and being questioned after being apprehended by Martin County, Florida Sheriff’s Deputies. The FBI and Secret Service are involved in the investigation. An AK-47 rifle was found at the scene.
Of course, we need to wait until all of the facts come out, but it wouldn’t be a stretch for a betting man to believe that the assailant is of the ilk of the far-Left and consumed with Trump Derangement Syndrome or its extension, Conservative Derangement Syndrome.
I received a communication from a good friend of mine from Belgium. He is a man who keeps his fingers on the political pulses coming from several directions internationally. His sentiments, I believe, hit the nail right on the head and also offer some insight into how the far-Left’s antagonism of the American people to their goal of creating a divide has put not only the United States on the path to chaos but the entire free world.
My friend wrote, in part:
“So, it's the second time that this has happened. Here in Europe, no matter what your affiliation is, we are wondering what is really going on in the US. Your society's current political polarisation is definitely huge, beyond anything we can imagine here…The media is guilty of this situation. They are just ugly and irresponsible agitators and propagandists.
“To me, all this stems, above all, from the Conservative Derangement Syndrome. Of course, Donald Trump is a deadly danger to the Progressive movement around the world (not just in the US), much more than anybody else…
“All this is making me terribly nervous: the US is starting to suck quite a bit while it should not be like that. I pray and do hope that DJT will get re-elected in November. He has a mission right now, not just the usual presidential mandate…”
My friend is correct on several counts, but particularly so when it comes to his thoughts on the Trump Derangement and Conservative Derangement Syndromes and the media’s role in stoking hatred toward both.
For almost ten years now, the mainstream media and the Democrat Party have been disingenuously and viciously misrepresenting Donald Trump as a xenophobic, misogynistic, megalomaniac threat to the free world. If anything – anything – happened that was blameable it was Trump’s fault.
In fact, almost immediately after this second assassination attempt on President Trump, US Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) said the MAGA movement is “a domestic threat to the country,” and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jefferies (D-NY), just one hour after Trump was targeted, called Republicans “extreme,” saying, “We must stop them.”
And MSNBC had the unmitigated gall to blame Trump’s rhetoric for his own assassination attempt.
Presidential campaign or not – politics or not – this is the kind of incendiary rhetoric that motivates ideologically deranged assholes like Routh and Thomas Matthew Crooks to do what they have done. They genuinely believe they are making a difference, and that is born of the retarded Marxist philosophy that “the ends justify the means,” a core belief in contemporary Democrat and Progressive politics.
In defiance of the facts and overwhelming evidence, the Left in our country – along with the global elites of the World Economic Forum, United Nations, Wall Street, and the international banking community have done everything in their power to demonize a man they threw roses at until he decided to run for office as a conservative and champion the American Middle and Lower-Middle Classes.
The second Trump decided to put his love of country over his allegiance to the global and bi-coastal elites; the moment he chose to champion Main Street over Wall Street, the long knives – and evidently AR-15s and AK-47s – were out for the man.
A great deal of the blame for the divide in the country must be laid at the feet of Democrats like Biden, Harris, Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, and the rest of the “win at all costs” machine. If they aren’t full-blown Marxists, they are Marxist-aligned opportunists who worship power and money over the people; they are – by definition – the very people everyone should vote to keep away from public office.
Yet, the voting public has become so brainwashed by the hate-filled repetition of the mainstream media (a repetition ordered up by the wannabe oligarchic elite in our country) that they just keep voting these hateful reprobates to office while inciting them to acts that cross the Rubicon to homicidal.
And after each of the recent assassination attempts on Trump’s life, they disgustingly attempt to blame access to firearms as the culprit catalyst – not their stoking of the fires of divisive hatred, but the inanimate object – for the attempted murders. It isn’t enough they have set the stage for an assassination; they want to double dip on their hate by damaging the Second Amendment as well.
There is no doubt about it. From this point forward, Donald Trump needs a lethal private security detail; the same kind that Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, or even that censorship-happy, nauseating little twerp Mark Zuckerberg has. It’s expensive, but the alternative deems that price affordable.
My friend in Belgium is right. Our Nation’s current political polarization definitely is huge, and the media is guilty of inciting the hatred emanating from the political Left. Its derangement is ugly, and its actions are irresponsible.
And, like my friend, all this is making me nervous. If the Obama-Left figures out a way to steal yet another election via “the Chicago way,” the United States will, in fact, suck. And it shouldn’t be like that.
Then, when we come back, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM860 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.
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