Well, Joe Biden said his official goodbye to the nation—allegedly—in his farewell speech to the nation, which most people decided not to watch. The fact is this. Biden has been beyond a lame-duck president since the Obama machine shelved him as the Democrat candidate.
But his farewell address had some things worthy of being addressed, even if for their obvious hypocrisy and the telegraphing of his and his administration’s misdeeds.
I have edited his speech down to a few points and hurried his speech along, so if you are someone who thought Biden was a good president, no, I’m not taking him out of context. So, feel free to go about your day in your bizarre pseudo-utopian bubble.
In this first clip, Biden discusses the importance of treating everyone with dignity, justice, and fairness.
Without time enough to blink, the question erupted: So, what happened to Donald Trump’s right to be treated with dignity, justice, and fairness? He was denied each for his tenure and Biden’s term. He was called Hitler; they mocked his appearance, turned a blind eye to his benevolence to call him greedy, and denied him fair treatment both socially, professionally, and judicially.
But that set the tone for Biden’s speech. He would go on to disingenuously serve up one hypocrisy after another even as he telegraphed his own opportunistic actions before and during his presidency.
In this following clip, Biden has the unmitigated gall to say that we all must have the backbone to stand up to those who abuse power.
You have to wonder if he really doesn’t understand that he is describing exactly what he and his administration—Obama 2.0—have done for eight years. He talks about “respecting” the institutions of government. Yet, at every turn, he transformed whole departments and agencies of our federal government into weapons against his enemies and the American people.
And to even suggest that he is a proponent of a “free and independent press” when his and his party’s relationship with the mainstream media was both nepotistic and sympathetic stinks a vomitous stench of untruth. We haven’t had a free and independent press since the days of Woodrow Wilson, and it’s only gotten worse over the years.
And then Biden made these obnoxious claims.
The claim that this administration did anything to protect our children should earn Biden his own private circle in Dante’s world. There has never been a more egregious push to normalize gender dysphoria than during the Biden administration. The entirety of his staff—appointees et al.—were obsessed with sexuality and the sexualization of our children. And they were so to the point where they attempted to come between the sacred bond of parent and child. The Biden administration did more to corrupt the family unit than 100 years of Planned Parenthood, and that’s saying a lot.
He then went on to falsely claim that crime—violent crime—is down across the nation. This is a flat-out lie. In fact, crime is so bad in many locales that people have stopped reporting crimes because there is too much of it for our law enforcement officers to address. Listen to any urban area police scanner on any given night—and especially Friday and Saturday nights—and all you hear is “shots fired.” Those aren’t the radio calls of a lower crime rate.
And I suppose it’s easy to claim you’ve created 17 million jobs when you first eliminated 17 million jobs by destroying businesses during a so-called pandemic. But don’t worry, there are more people with health insurance than ever before. Now, all they have to do is schedule appointments thirteen months into the future because there are too many illegal immigrants in the waiting rooms thanks to the Biden administration giving them all free healthcare on the taxpayer’s dime.
Then we come to Biden’s warnings for all to heed. For some reason, Biden felt he had the mental acuity to channel his inner Eisenhower to forewarn of ghosts of the future.
A peaceful transition of power? I suppose the Bidens and their White House staff won’t barricade themselves in the Oval Office. Still, with the rapid-fire executive orders coming out of Biden’s administration in the waning days of his presidency, he is certainly setting Rome on fire for the incoming president. I’m half expecting to hear he has posthumously pardoned Charles Manson and awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
But the most sickening thing in his speech to me is his telegraphing of the dangers of a new oligarchy. Yes, he was trying to paint that color onto Trump, his incoming administration, and his potentate supporters, but he was describing exactly what he, the Democrats, Hollywood, the Silicon Valley billionaires, George Soros, and the World Economic Forum Orcs have had assembled since the days of the Clinton administration. Biden was speaking of the Deep State inside-the-beltway bureaucracy, the very entity that Donald Trump now has a mandate from the people to destroy.
And he validated this by warning of the mis– and dis-information that will rule the social media threads because his beloved “fact checkers”—read government anointed censors—are being abandoned by most social media organizations, so much so that many “fact checking” companies are going belly up.
But he continues to incriminate not only himself but the entirety of the Deep State apparatus.
Reform the tax code? Biden had four years to do something about a corrupt and inequitable Internal Revenue Service and did absolutely nothing. In fact, he fueled the beast by feeding it personnel. But hey, he’s right. We should scrap the entire tax code from top to bottom and craft a consumption tax that can never be raised, with no add-ons or extras. That would force the federal government to establish and maintain a budget.
Then he dared to complain about dark money in politics when Democrats—his party— have thrived off of dark money political donations since before the Clinton administration. Obam and Biden were even caught accepting donations from overseas. Look into ActBlue if you need proof.
And you have to see Nancy Pelosi’s dentures fall into her chardonnay glass at Biden’s suggestion that Congress be forbidden from playing the stock market. I mean, really. How will the Congress creatures exit office as millionaires if they can’t inside trade and influence legislation for profit?
However, the moment the possibility of a lightning strike was presented was when Biden addressed the issue of holding a president accountable to the law. Honestly, I agree. And by his own request, the incoming Attorney General should appoint a special prosecutor—and make sure Congress seats him or her—to investigate the actions of both then-presidents Barack Obama and Joe Biden.
And lastly, Biden “circled back” to complain about that darn oligarchy again.
Much to my surprise, I agreed completely with the sentiment in his final points, but again, he telegraphed precisely what he and his neo-Marxist ilk have done to the people of the United over the past 16 years. They have used identity politics and the smear of racism to divide our country.
Rather than creating that level playing field for every American, they have embraced the discriminatory neo-Marxist tenet of equity of outcome over equality of opportunity. They have demonized the White heterosexual male as a second class onto which all the blame for every ill of our nation—past, present, and future—must be placed.
We have to suffer two more days of these divisive assholes, and I am sure there will be some parting shots as he and his leave the White House and the Naval Observatory. But there is a new dawn on the horizon, and it is filled with a return to normalcy, or at least the hope of that eventuality.
Now all we have to do is make sure the Congressional Republicans don’t fuck everything up like they did with Paul Ryan’s Congress in 2016. There is never any guarantee that Republicans can’t snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory.
Then, when we come back, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM930 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.
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