After weeks of stories in conservative social media outlets about Tara Reade’s sexual assault claim against presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden – and after weeks of deafening silence from the Progressive Left and specifically the, MeToo movement, now, only after the story’s become a thundering echo in the canyons of social media, are we starting to hear the voices of the Uber-Left questioning the issue.
This morning, Joe Biden, in a typical Friday “document dump” fashion, went on MSNBC to deny the allegations leveled against him by Tara Reade.
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After weeks of stories in conservative social media outlets about Tara Reade’s sexual assault claim against presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden – and after weeks of deafening silence from the Progressive Left and specifically the #MeToo movement, now, only after the story’s become a thundering echo in the canyons of social media, are we starting to hear the voices of the Uber-Left questioning the issue.
This morning, Joe Biden, in a typical Friday “document dump” fashion, went on MSNBC to deny the allegations leveled against him by Tara Reade. A document dump is an exercise where politicians feeling heat on an issue either make curt, generic denials or provide so much information that no immediate answer can be divined.
(CLIP 1)
Reade filed a lawsuit earlier this month claiming Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993. As reported at (hardly a conservative outlet:
“When Reade met up with the senator, she said, he pinned her up against a wall and penetrated her vagina with his fingers...‘His hands went underneath my clothing and he was touching me in my private areas and without my consent,’ Reade told NPR. She said Biden asked her whether she wanted to go somewhere else...Reade said that she pulled away and that Biden pointed his finger at her and said, ‘You're nothing to me, nothing.’”
Reade’s lawsuit comes after years of blowing the whistle on Biden. Reade quite publicly accused Biden of inappropriate touching over a year ago and just recently a 1993 clip from Larry King Live surfaced that document’s Reade’s Mother exposing Mr. Biden for his actions. Reade’s efforts to get the media interested in the story has come to the point of almost begging. Hardly what the #MeToo movement was supposed to be about.
But it isn’t just one person calling Biden out; it isn’t just Reade. As The Washington Times reported on April 12, 2020:
“Biden’s conduct towards women first came under scrutiny just before he announced his presidential campaign last spring. Eight women, including Reade, came forward with allegations that the former Vice President made them feel uncomfortable with inappropriate physical displays of affection...Biden acknowledged the complaints and promised to ‘be more mindful about respecting personal space in the future.’”
Nevertheless, Biden took to MSNBC this morning (remember that document dump thing I was talking about?) to issue his denial. He tantamount to said the accusation was insane. Bear with me, this clip is long...and disturbing:
(Clip 2)
His insistence on a few points presents questions and opportunities for some eyebrow-raising.
Biden kept insisting that he, nor anyone to his knowledge (a very lawyerly use of words), had any knowledge of a complaint being filed. He said it over and over again. In the end, that doesn’t mean squat. A US Senator is not someone who handles day-to-days in the office, no matter if it’s the DC office or the many home offices. His Chief of Staff may have a cursory knowledge of what is going on in general, but even the Chief doesn’t know the minutia of the day-to-days, although the Chief would be spectacularly more up to speed than the Elected. So his denial of knowledge of a complaint means absolutely nothing.
Further, I don’t know of anyone, anywhere, at any time, who wouldn’t have kept a duplicate copy of a sexual harassment complaint – signed by an employer representative, against an employer, and especially an employer who happens to be a US Senator.
And why was he so absolutely insistent that Ms. Reade’s complaint – or any paperwork with Reade’s name on it – couldn’t possibly be found in his archive files at the University of Delaware? Why was he so intensely guarded about those archive files?
The Washington Examiner reported on April 30th, that Biden operatives had access to his University of Delaware files after the initial mass complaint but before Reade’s lawsuit was leveled, this according to a UofD spokeswoman. Is there a possibility that these operative cleansed his archives of anything related to his inappropriate sexual behavior? You’re damn straight there is.
In the article it states:
“Reade suspects that a sexual harassment complaint she filed with an outside Senate personnel office in 1993 may be stored in the archives, or that it could include notes from meetings she said she had with top staff members about harassment or information about retaliation she said she suffered after coming forward with the claims. Three top staffers vehemently deny hearing about her allegations, but two former interns have said they remember Reade abruptly losing intern supervision duties.”
Without doubt those files need to be investigated for any documents – any documents – that have any mention of Tara Reade or any other complaint by female staffers alluding to inappropriate behavior.
Then, Biden’s offer to search the National Archives is pretty hollow, as well. We all remember how in 2003 Sandy Berger, a former National Security Advisor to President Clinton, accessed and then stole classified documents from the National Archive, stuffing them into his sock and down his pants. If the Clinton Cabal – of which Biden is absolutely a part – is willing to risk stealing documents relevant to a 9/11 Commission hearing, extricating a sexual harassment report to shield a presidential nominee is easy-peasy.
So, Biden’s public declaration of innocence actually means very little. It raised more questions that it answered questions.
Aside from the overriding fact that in the United States everyone – everyone – is innocent until proven guilty, when eight people have been brave enough to come forward – especially in the American political sphere – to call out inappropriate behavior by an established heavy-hitter, our degree of caution must diminish and our willingness to dismiss allegations just because the alleged guilty party said “I didn’t do it...It never happened” a hundred times in a 17 minute interview on a friendly network must start to wane. Both legal and public examination of misconduct of public (read: elected and/or appointed) officials should be the order of the day.
And as much as Joe Biden would be guilty of executing his actions against these women – actions he has tantamount to have already copped to, so too would his kneejerk defenders be complicit in facilitated his actions.
The abusers of the #MeToo movement – and I call them abusers because the spotlight whores are doing great harm to the many women (and children) who have been sexually abused – are threatening the de-legitimization of the movement's voice. Their silence on Joe Biden’s misogynistic and wholly inappropriate behavior towards women and young females serves as a betrayal to the movement; a tacit and politically motivated defense of the man.
Imagine their outrage and ire if the perpetrator was fishing on the opposite side of the pond ideologically and politically from where they stand. They would be foaming at the mouth.
I’ll be right back with my Friday segment on The Captain’s America with Matt Bruce, syndicated to over 2 million listeners daily on the Salem and Genesis communications networks, right after this.

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