Underground USA
Underground USA
If the Radical Left Has Its Way, The American Cattle Rancher Will Become Extinct

If the Radical Left Has Its Way, The American Cattle Rancher Will Become Extinct

The independent American cattle rancher. Movies have been made about this very real part of American history. The iconic "Beef. It's what's for dinner," commercials are recognized by over 80 percent of Americans. But the independent cattle rancher is under attack and from every avenue emanating from the radical Left, and that includes our government.

I talked with Bill Bullard, CEO of the Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund and the United Stock Growers of America about the fight that lays ahead to save the American independent cattle rancher...

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Underground USA
Underground USA
No Fear. No Wokeism. No Political Correctness. An irreverent podcast heard and read across 48 US states and 28 countries.