The dystopian nature of the times we live in just keeps getting darker and darker, or at least the prospects of what can happen to our nation – and the world – do if the American people don’t wake up.
The latest “let’s see how transparent I can make my Marxism” move from Kamala Harris is to proudly stand up for the Marxist concept of price controls. This new policy, rolled out at a carefully choreographed campaign rally, was even excoriated by, of all outlets, the “let’s run interference for the far-Left” Washington Post, where, paraphrasing their laughable tagline, democracy goes to die.
In the piece, Catherine Rampell sounds as if she actually paid attention in her Econ 101 class:
Government-mandated price controls are based on Marxism because they involve the state – the government – intervening in the market to set prices and allocate resources; a key tenet of Marxism.
In a free market economy – such that we are supposed to have in the United States, prices are determined by the forces of supply and demand, and the government does not interfere with this process. However, in a Marxist system, the government plays a central role in determining prices and resource allocation. Apparently, this concept is lost on the far-Left rank-and-file. I say rank-and-file because I am certain that the puppet masters of the far-Left understand the concept completely. After all, they are Marxists!
The ramifications of establishing government-mandated price controls are not only significant, but they should also be terrifying to anyone who wants to have free choice in their lives – another concept the far-Left rank-and-file finds confusing.
One major consequence is that government-mandated price controls always lead to shortages. When the government sets prices below market equilibrium, demand exceeds supply, leading to shortages. One need only recall the dismal economy of the former Soviet Union, where there were routinely lines for staples like bread, milk, and meat. Russia’s solution in the post-Soviet world was to embrace a hybrid capitalism and allow the free market to exist. This is not unlike what China’s economy morphed into when the World Trade Organization stupidly allowed the Communist Chinese Party to enter into the organization.
Another dangerous consequence of government-mandated price controls is that they facilitate black markets.
When legal prices are set too high, people may turn to illegal markets to purchase goods at lower, more market-driven prices. This always leads to criminal activity. The reality of the vicious Russian syndicate serves as indisputable proof of what a black market can spawn. These black markets also deny legitimate tax revenue to the government, which one can argue might be a good thing.
Furthermore, price controls discourage innovation and investment. When prices are artificially low, businesses have less incentive to invest in new technologies and production methods that increase efficiency and reduce costs. This leads to stagnation in the economy, a decline in overall economic growth, and mediocrity.
As Dr. Robert Malone wrote in his substack, and I paraphrase, it just might be that corporate America, including Amazon's owner, Jeff Bezos (who also happens to own the Washington Post, from which the article came), it just might be possible that the elite just woke up to what a Harris presidency might look like.
Of course, to a dyed-in-the-wool Marxist, all of these things are acceptable and, frankly, preferable to the capitalist system because in a Marxist system, the prices are not only set by the government but the government owns the means of production. That means the government sets salaries, too.
Now, are you starting to get why the Marxist puppet masters don't want Kamala Harris and her equally as Leftist stooge Tim Walz in front of the cameras? The more she articulates her belief system – once she gets past the word salad – the more she exposes herself as a far-Left, San Francisco Bay neo-Marxist masquerading as a Democrat.
And Obama 2.0 can’t have her – or anyone else – not sticking to the script so they can achieve Obama 3.0…and that’s what we will get if Harris wins.
Then, when we come back, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM860 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.
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