There are two strong pillars of post 1945 American policy.

One - loud - was anticommunism.

The other- quiet and stronger -

Anti-colonialism. Which was nearly completely successful.

Israel is a colonial nation.

Like Rhodesia and South Africa also a settler nation.

Israel remains a settler colonial nation, you’ll notice… the last one.

One last bit of business for Foggy Bottom to tidy up…

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NO. “Yet today, the activism of the academic elite and the access afforded foreign and radical elements to our college campuses – in this case, foreign nations sympathetic to the terror group Hamas –“

NO. The word came from the top to suppress that video. Not the faculty 😂, not Qatar.

The Deep State squashed it.

For policy reasons. The actual Deep State is the American Foreign Policy Community, because we’re an Empire.

No. Truth is the US Foreign Policy Community has never been pro-Israel. The Israelis - despite popular history- made their own country. Some of Great Britain’s Establishment were in favor, some opposed.

When it arrived in 1947 after decades of work and fighting the British Empire found itself on both sides. This passed to America with the British Empire.

The State Department is full of those opposed to Israel. For decades. Please understand the State Department is where the elite of American government is, to the extent of really running the Empire. Israel is its own country and creation, giving it unusual resilience. Israel’s allies in America are American voters, the politicians for once being their own men, and a bit of DOD (DOD easily the weakest major part of government).

Here’s Foreign Affairs telling Israel last April to accept One Man, one vote. Foreign Affairs is the American Foreign policy community’s Flagship magazine.

In short our - policy.


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