CAUTION: Strong language included in this podcast
It’s like a broken record and one we have screamed about for decades. Evidently, the congressional GOP is stone-cold deaf, and quite frankly, I – for one – am sick of it.
Congressional Republicans are readying the knives to insert into the backs of their own voters – again – in a surrender to Democrats on the critical issues of funding the government and protecting the sanctity of the ballot box.
The legislation in question is The SAVE Act. SAVE stands for "Securing America's Victory in Every Act,” which – among other security measures – mandates proof of citizenship for voter registration in federal elections. It is crucial to safeguarding the sanctity of the ballot box, both from those who are here illegally and from those who would use the lax registration process to illegally register non-citizens to vote. And we know that’s happening.
But, like so many times before – and after so many promises that it would never happen again, House Speaker Johnson (R-LA) is reportedly abandoning the measure, now seeking to fund the US government through, yet again, another continuing resolution and without addressing election security.
It should be noted here that the last time Congress passed a budget through the regular order process, which involves the full budget resolution process as intended by the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, was for the fiscal year 1997. This was signed into law in September 1996. Since then, the government has been funded through a series of continuing resolutions, omnibus spending bills, or partial budget agreements rather than a comprehensive budget passed on time through the regular order.
Incidentally, the obligation of funding the government through the regular order process is one of the few mandatory obligations of Congress as mandated in the US Constitution in Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 and Article I, Section 9, Clause 7.
Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 grants Congress the power to "lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States," and serves as the basis for Congress's authority to fund the government.
Article I, Section 9, Clause 7 (also known as the “Appropriations Clause”), states that "No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a regular statement and account of the receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time." This clause mandates that all spending by the federal government must be authorized by Congress through appropriations.
When was the last time any of us saw the latter? And why can’t Congress do one of the few things it is actually mandated to do in the Constitution? Seriously, how many fucking post offices do they rename in a year, and how many foolish DEI resolutions have been passed? But a budget or a bill to codify the sanity that foreign nationals shouldn’t have the right or privilege to vote in the sovereign elections of the United States?
Apparently, Johnson’s plan is to pass a “clean bill” another continuing resolution this week to fund the government through December 20, just five days before Christmas. And we can all be certain that these game-playing assholes will sprint out of Washington immediately after to cash their paychecks and retreat behind their security walls for the holidays.
Meanwhile, many, if not most, of the illegal immigrants who have been streaming across the border since the Biden-Harris regime opened the borders, have been registered to vote in our federal elections, and the Republicans in Congress just pretty much said, “Have at it.”
Who do these opportunistic jagoffs represent, the foreign nationals or the citizens of the United States who elected them?
Leave it to the congressional GOP to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. They had the Democrats on the ropes. All they had to do was message around the MSM to lay the blame of a government shutdown at the feet of Chuck Schumer and The Sqaud, Nancy Pelosi, the Biden administration, and the rest of the Deep State sycophants for their refusal to protect the ballot box and it would have been game over.
Harris needed the government to stay open, and the GOP could have blamed her own party for her demise. But nope. The milquetoast Uniparty handmaidens that are the congressional GOP flinched yet again in the hollow threats of Schumer and Pelosi and their Deep State overlords to give the Marxist Left the keys to an election.
If there were ever a time for investigations and independent probes, it would be now. We the People need to know who is getting paid off for betraying their constituents.
Hey! Johnson and the rest of you Deep State kowtowing ingrate assholes! When you’re standing in the crowd at Harris’s inaugural, hear these words from We the People: “Thanks for nothing and go fuck yourselves!”
Then, when we come back, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM860 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.
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