Underground USA
Underground USA
Enemies Foreign & Domestic
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -47:21

Enemies Foreign & Domestic

The latest attack talking point being marshaled for the Harris-Walz campaign by the Obama 2.0 team and their sycophantic mainstream media mouthpieces is that Donald Trump is calling half of the American electorate “enemies from within” and that he is prepared to unleash the US military onto his foes. Of course, this is unmitigated bullshit of the highest order.

A more perfect example of unsubstantiated fear porn has seldom been seen or heard. The Harris-Walz-Obama 2.0 team had to contort and edit, cherry-picked soundbites into shapes that origami experts would envy to arrive at the current disingenuous narrative.

Both Harris and Walz—along with the usual suspects on cable news—are floating this absurd idea:

Of course, just like everything that oozes out of Harris’s reptilian mouth, there isn’t a shred of truth to it.

As Megyn Kelly pointed out on her podcast on Wednesday:

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The Harris-Walz-Obama 2.0 crew is so infuriatingly disingenuous—and arrogantly so—that this election needs to be a landslide message against the far-Left that the American people are simply done with their—now obvious—soft Marxist revolution.

In fact, when you examine what Trump said—as exposed by Kelly—he was alluding to the radical, unimpeded violence perpetrated by the radical Left that plagued his first administration, violence that was promoted and facilitated by the far-Left elected and activist classes through their Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa proxy protest groups.

From 2016 onward, the United States experienced a series of ongoing protests that almost always escalated into violence.

The BLM movement began in 2013 but gained significant momentum after the death of George Floyd in May 2020—six months before the 2020 General Elections. These protests spread nationwide, with Minneapolis becoming an epicenter of unrest. Violence erupted in just about every major US city, with incidents of arson, vandalism, and confrontations with law enforcement. The scale of destruction was significant in some areas, leading to billions in property damage across the US.

Antifa activists were almost always present at BLM protests, especially in cities like Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York City. Their involvement was always marked by direct confrontations with police and counter-protesters, property damage, and attempts at true constitutional insurrection to create autonomous zones, like the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone in Seattle.

In each outbreak of violence across the nation, one thing presented as a common denominator. The urban areas plagued by the continuing violence had Democrat-led governments that refused to serve the general public in keeping the peace; in maintaining law and order. And anyone with half a brain understood it was all for political gain looking to the election; a manufactured, condoned, and facilitated chaos meant to sway an election in favor of Biden-Harris-Obama 2.0.

These are the “enemies within” that Donald Trump is talking about: the anarchists, the far-Left Progressive activists, the Marxists, the neo-Bolsheviks; those who make up Obama 2.0, just as they made up Obama 1.0, the people puppeteering the Harris-Walz ticket as we speak. The American Fifth Column.

Now that we have defined who Trump was referring to, his declaration makes sense, doesn’t it? Setting entire cities on fire and executing violence in the streets—destroying peoples' livelihoods and lives' works isn’t about redressing government. It is a criminal act of unlawful violence. Looting isn’t a political statement; it’s opportunistic theft. And those who condone and facilitate these unlawful acts are just as guilty of these crimes as those who are executing the criminal acts.

The primary purpose of government—and, in fact, the only legitimate purpose of government—is to keep the citizenry safe under the rule of law. There are no exceptions to that responsibility, and it applies to all citizens, not just the preferred classes as defined by the Machiavellian activist class that is trying to Balkanize the American people for their electoral benefit.

Yes, Virginia, there is an “enemy within.” They are the American Fifth Column who seek the fundamental transformation of the United States of America from a Constitutional Republic to a Socialist Democracy. This is the Harris-Walz ticket, as was the Biden-Harris ticket before them and the Obama-Biden ticket before them. This is the entirety of the Obama and Progressive movements, and you damn well better start realizing that this choice—the choice on which direction our country is going to travel—is on the ballot on November 5th.

Then, when we come back, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM930 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.

And please remember the people who lost everything during the current storms, especially the people in Western North Carolina, Eastern Tennessee, and Northern Georgia. Just because the mainstream media complex has moved on from the story doesn’t mean they still don’t need our help’ materially, financially, and at the ballot box.

Please consider making a donation to one of these reputable organizations doing God’s work in the affected areas, doing the jobs our federal government should be doing but won’t:

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