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Underground USA
Due Diligence, Nullification & The Secret Service

Due Diligence, Nullification & The Secret Service


Before we get into this morning's segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce I wanted to say a few words about doing due diligence.

We always talk about investigators – the FBI, lawyers – doing due diligence. But we, as citizens, have an obligation to do due diligence as well, before we post on social media.

It is important to read beyond the headlines; beyond the first two paragraphs of any news article. You need to read whole articles before you opine on social media.

There is so much minutia left below the fold in an article that because we live in an age of sensationalistic, clickbait headlines, the headline doesn't always represent what the story is about. As a matter of fact, the MSM exaggerates almost every headline.

Every headline is written to have “Breaking News!” in front of it; to get you to click on it. Clicks mean revenue. Clicks mean ratings for news outlets. A non-story can sound like the end of the world. A huge story can sound like something completely different than what the subject of the story is about.

NULLIFICATION by Frank Salvato lays out an argument and the basis for a strategic plan that justifies the use of the nullification procedure, at the state level, to constitutionally rein in an overreaching federal government.

So, please, before you opine on anything on social media – because truth matters, because the facts matter – read the whole article. Frankly, I always read two or three from different sources just so I can read between the lines.

Please do your due diligence. When we don't, that's how government can manipulate us; that's how people like Klaus Schwab and George Soros and the rest of the World Economic Forum crowd can manipulate us. It's time that we keep them from manipulating us.

Then, this morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce …

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