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Underground USA
Debate Post-Mortem: It’s Time To Stop F*cking Around
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Debate Post-Mortem: It’s Time To Stop F*cking Around

CAUTION: This episode contains strong language.

Well, the second presidential sound-byte festival (presidential debate) is in the books, and I can say, without any hesitation, that the ABC News-sponsored “debate” was the worst-executed debate in presidential debate history. In fact, the only superlative that can be tossed at it is this: The moderators were so bad—so transparently and overtly in the tank for Kamala Harris—that they should lose their jobs, even at their Left-leaning network.

First and foremost, we really shouldn’t be shocked that the result of the so-called debate (there wasn’t any actual “debate” that took place; it was just a series of lies and unsubstantiated charges from the Left unchallenged by Harris' adoring moderators), the result was pre-determined; pre-slated toward Harris. ABC and ABC News are owned by the Disney Corporation, which, let’s face it, hates the Right and conservatism with a seething arrogance only the most woke can appreciate.

But to add insult to pre-scripted injury, as The New York Times reported:

“Dana Walden, a senior Disney executive whose portfolio includes ABC News, is one of Vice President Kamala Harris’ ‘extraordinary friends'...Walden and Harris have known each other since 1994, while their husbands, Matt Walden and Doug Emhoff, have known each other since the 1980s.”

That the Trump team either missed that important reality or recognized it and agreed to the venue anyway can only be categorized as a blunder of epic proportions. A blunder like that would cost the campaign manager their job in a world devoid of overconfidence and ego. So, if Trump is to hold true to his claim that when someone fucks up, he fires them, heads should roll over that singular point.

But that doesn’t let ABC News and the ABC moderators (if we can seriously call them that) off the hook for their blatant and obvious bias in favor of Kamala Harris.

Megyn Kelly said about all there is to say on her podcast after the sound-byte festival:


And a clip that automatically followed Kelly’s on X by a Black woman who calls herself Insurrection Barbie and uses the handle @DefiyantlyFree (God help me, I love her for how she lets it all hang out in this clip) had this to say, and I warn you, there is some strong language in use:


The Trump team (to hopefully include a new, more effective, and aggressive campaign strategy) and the RNC must hold the ABC News moderator’s bias up as the reason why there will be no third debate (that announcement just hit Truth Social from Trump). They should dominate the narrative using ABC News’s moderators as a destructive force in presidential and election politics and blaze the path forward by challenging Harris to engage in a variety of one-on-one interviews with interviewers who actually possess the intellectual credentials to occupy the seat, maybe even credentialed interviewers preferred preferred by their opponents.

In fact, if Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are sincere about representing all Americans if elected (I think I just threw up a little bit right there), they will start with interviews with FOX News, FOX Business, NewsMax, The Epoch Times, and Sky News. Now, I wouldn’t hold my breath on that, however, as the main goal of David Plouffe’s campaign game plan is to avoid any real questions or having to make any solid issue statements at all. That’s the only way Harris can win, given that she’s a fucking Marxist!

Does this sound extreme? Yes, it does. But what is the recourse when a dishonest politician (Kamala Harris), backed by a campaign team that has proven it holds a “win at all costs” philosophy to include non-fidelity to the truth (Obama’s Chicago political machine), vomits lies that have been debunked by every news outlet on the planet repeatedly because their goal target is the moronic demographic that is the uninformed voter?

Sean Connery’s character in The Untouchables had it right when he spoke of the Chicago Way:



It’s no different in politics. You must fight the Chicago way. If you don’t, you lose, and that’s inevitable.

So, Mr. Trump, I beg you to listen to an old Chicago guy who has won more than lost and won, as you would say, “bigly.” Your team needs to get its shit together and fast. Retake the narrative, define Harris with an aggressive national campaign that is impossible to avoid consuming, and target, not your base – hear that again, not your base – but the un-and under-informed voters everywhere they exist, stop repeating preferred talking points (and never again talk about a rally crowd size) and start talking exclusively about issues that the un– and under-informed voters believe are the issues, always end any future debate answer with a question about Harris' record that applies to the issue, and for the love of Baby Jesus, act presidential above everything else!

Presidents don’t let Marxist gnats like Kamala Harris get under their skin. They execute a majestic eye-roll and say things like, “Interesting, I would have expected that from someone who knew nothing about that issue,” or “I expected someone in your position to be able to think for themselves, not regurgitate talking points,” or “Bless your heart” and “There you go again.” You need to guard against the angry response to the Marxist’s poking. You need to be above that when the un– and under-informed voters are watching.

Time is now short, and the Marxist sympathizers at ABC/Disney did a great disservice to the American people and did significant damage to your campaign advantage. It's time to stow the ego and confidence and fight like you’re 20 points behind in the polls, which means executing a flawless campaign messaging strategy.

To the people – the voters who believe our Republic is in serious peril should Harris win – I say this. Do not depend on the RNC to help the Trump campaign. It is up to us to craft strong messages and execute our own campaigns to reach the un– and under-informed voters, and that means getting way outside your comfort zone and bringing the message – the facts, the truths, and the consequences – to the places the un– and under-informed voters consume their information. They are dark and seedy, disingenuous places much of the time, but it’s time to get our hands dirty.

It’s time to stop believing that any cavalry is coming. It’s time to stop fucking around. It’s “go time.”

Then, when we come back, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM860 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.

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