The Underhanded UN Is At It Again
If it wasn’t enough that we are being deluged with manipulative disinformation about the Democrat presidential ticket 24/7 by the mainstream media and propaganda merchants on social media, now – while we are preoccupied by a divisive presidential election, the United Nations is trying to sneak through an expansion of their “authority.”
The subject at hand, brought to my attention through Dr. Robert Malone’s informative substack, is the UN’s “Pact for the Future.” This treaty, with 60 actions, is a giant step toward a Marxist-based globalized New World Order. Not only does it seek to expand the Security Council, but it also proposes a form of UN-administered global tax on sovereign citizens.
To add insult to power-grab injury, this document – which will be presented as an ipso facto treaty – and its annexes are being decided by “consensus,” prior to the UN Summit for the Future meeting held in NY at the end of September.
This document is choke-full of wokeism and DEI philosophy, and it has been purposely crafted to reduce the possibility that any “global citizen” will ever read it, let alone understand it. Thankfully (and yes, this is another hat tip to Malone), Malone highlighted the more egregious portions in his above-linked substack. That said, I must touch on the most outrageous and unacceptable provisions of this ridiculous proposal.
The UN’s Attempt To Decree Itself
The Epicenter Of A New Global Government
In laying out their rationale for the “Pact for the Future” – in which they overtly insist they represent the people of the world – not the governments of the world being that they are appointed envoys, but direct representatives of the “people of the world, they state:
“Our challenges are deeply interconnected and far exceed the capacity of any single State alone. They can only be addressed collectively, through strong and sustained international cooperation…We recognize that the multilateral system and its institutions, with the United Nations and its Charter at the centre, must be strengthened…Today, we pledge a new beginning in multilateralism…”
This bold statement fully ignores the sovereignty of individual nations, even as it assumes the authority to nullify that sovereignty.
A Renewed Effort To Soak The American Taxpayer
Never wanting to be an organization that wasn’t adept at beating the dead horse of unsubstantiated science of man-made climate change, the UN once again wants to soak the industrialized nations of the free Western World – even as the biggest polluters on the planet – China and India – disregard their proposals and non-binding treaties related to the climate.
In Action 4, item number 23, subsections (b) and (c), it states:
“We will close the SDG financing gap in developing countries [and are] deeply concerned by the growing SDG financing gap facing developing countries. We must close this gap to prevent a lasting sustainable development divide, widening inequality within and between countries, and further erosion of trust in international relations and the multilateral system…including the commitment by most developed countries to reach the goal of 0.7 percent of gross national income for official development assistance (ODA/GNI), and 0.15 to 0.20 percent of gross national income for official development assistance to Least Developed Countries…”
As Malone points out, quite correctly and in layman’s terms, the UN has determined it will need to spend between $3 trillion and $5 trillion annually to meet the SDGs by 2030. With the gross national income in the United States for 2024 estimated at $28.01 trillion, that would mean turning over 0.7 percent of that to the UN. That would mean the United States will be pledging to give the United Nations an additional $196 billion of taxpayer monies every year.
It should be noted that as of September 5, 2024, our national debt is $35,288,868,000,000.00.
A UN-Administered Tax On Individuals
But the most egregious provision revolves around the creation of a UN-administered tax on the sovereign peoples of the world – an opening of the door, first via a direct tax on “high net-worth individuals” and then onto each and every earner across the globe.
Again, in Action 4, this time subsections (i) and (j), it states:
“Promote inclusive and effective international tax cooperation, which contributes significantly to national efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals…We are committed to strengthening the inclusiveness and effectiveness of tax cooperation at the United Nations…and will continue to engage constructively in the process towards developing a United Nations framework convention on international tax cooperation. [The UN will] explore options for international cooperation on the taxation of high net-worth individuals in the appropriate fora.”
As Malone notes in his substack, “The above reads as though the UN is developing an international United Nations-based- tax system!”
Not only must the free world refuse and reject this monstrous power-grab attempt, but every nation of the world must move to establish laws that forbid – absolutely – the UN’s ability to interact with sovereign citizens that – in any way – mandates the collection of taxes.
The United Nations Has Outlived Its Usefulness
It can be successfully argued that the United Nations has become more of a gluttonous bureaucratic impediment to the well-being of the world than the disease of war it was meant to cure.
In every instance and at every turn – be it avoiding conflicts and/or genocides or providing food aid to the impoverished – their actions leave those they are meant to help worse off, even as they disingenuously pat themselves on the back in faux aggrandizement.
The arrogance of these non-elected potentates has facilitated the continuation of war, hunger, and poverty, even as the entirety of the body turns a blind eye to the issues of human trafficking and modern-day slavery and the conquest-oriented totalitarianism of communism, socialism, and Islamofascism, going so far as to welcoming nation-states born of these ideologies to the Security Council.
No, it is not time for the United Nations to expand; it is time for the United Nations to be reset to its original purpose and limited to the purpose without caveat to expand its mission.
The United Nations should be – exclusively – a forum for envoys from the nations of the world to engage in dialogue to prevent global conflict, bringing their deliberations back to their nation’s leaders for their leaders to act on.
The United Nations is a forum, not a global government. They must be viciously slapped away from the notion that they have authority over anyone, let alone sovereign people.
Please use the above link to contact your US Senators to urge them to not only vote against the UN’s “Pact for the Future” but to initiate legislation that would forbid any Executive Branch administration from committing the United States to any UN proposed treaty without the constitutionally required super-majority approval of the US Senate, retrospectively.
Feel free to use the following text if you don’t want to craft your own words:
I am contacting you today to express my vehement opposition to the UN’s “Pact for the Future,” which is equivalent to an incredible expansion of the United Nations' authority globally.
This treaty, with 60 actions, is a giant step toward a globalized new world order that places socialism at its core. Not only does it seek to expand the Security Council, but it also proposes a form of UN-administered global tax on sovereign citizens.
The outrage here is that this document and its annexes are being decided by “consensus,” prior to the UN Summit for the Future meeting held in NY at the end of September.
Not only do I urge you to reject this treaty, I implore you to move legislation that denies any Executive Branch the ability to enjoin the United States in any treaty or international agreement without the constitutionally required supermajority vote of the Senate.
Truth be told, the United States should begin to insist that the UN be downsized to its original intent: to be a meeting place for dialogue only to prevent global conflict.
Thank you for your prompt attention and immediate action on this critical issue.